Sunday, July 24, 2005

To Market, To Market...

What do you do on Sunday? You could go to church like some people to hear God's representative on Earth rant on about going to heaven or you could go to the craft market in Flemington Racecourse! This market is held on the last Sunday of each month in Flemington. It is also held at other venues around Melbourne in different places. If you like to know where or would like to know a bit more about this craft market, you can find it here:
You can find all kinds of stuff here; from fresh produce to knitwears.
Different type of timber handicrafts...
To Petting Zoo for children where we find...
...Porky here having a drink of milk. The highlight of the morning would have to be when we got to meet the pet of one of the traders and he's name is...
...Simba! Simba is a Shar-Pei dog of 3 1/2 month old. Shar-Pei dogs originated from China and the name basically mean wrinkled skin, very appropriate.


silentsoliloquy said...

I love the dog.. I'm going to church myself later.. :)

CheaYee said...

ha ha...i would definitely be going to church on Sunday..but who says I can't go out later???!!

The pig is cute though.