Thursday, March 22, 2007

Cynthia & I

This post like most of my previous posts is long overdue but better late than never right? So here it is. A couple of months ago Cynthia came to town and Terese and I had the honours of spending the day with her.

This picture was taken when we went yumcha. Cynthia said; "Smile a bit more." Sorry Cynthia, this is the best I could managed, a smirk! Not intentional to be so fierce, just the way I was born with! Hehehe...

Cynthia is one of the most bubbly persons I've ever met, she has a great personality with a great smile! You can feel her vibrancy when you're with her, I so wish you live here in Melbourne so we can go yumcha regularly!

Cynthia is added to my list of interesting bloggers I've met this year and I hope she won't be the last blogger I get to meet. Cynthia, come down to Melbourne again soon. And this time bring Kian along, I wanna count how many words he can utter from his mouth!


Dabido said...

I've never seen Cynthia pull that face before! What was she eating???? :-)

Cynthia said...

That's very nice of you putting up my photo like 'that'
luckily I have a bf (or more)...if not, you definitely drop my market price iver here man!! =P
Yeah, we r thinking of moving to Melboune..wish me luck and yours, too!!

Anonymous said...

What did you do to her until she stick out her tongue like that!

Wuching said...

dabido: she was eating a warm tofu dessert

SA: yes, do go visit her & say hello

cynthia: aiyo..that picture is priceless! how can u drop market value after that, on the u worth even more!

neo: i did nothing!